ECCOMAS MSF 2023 is the sixth in the series of International Conferences focusing upon Computational Methods in Solids and Fluids, held every two years in different countries in Europe. Previous meeting have all been organized under umbrella of ECCOMAS, ‘The European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences’, as the sponsor of ECCOMAS conference series. For this particular Conference, we have an additional sponsor from the host country Bosnia-Herzegovina: University of Sarajevo. The institutions organizing ECCOMAS MSF 2023 are University of Sarajevo-Faculty of Civil Engineering B&H, in collaboration with University of Technology Compiegne, a member Alliance of Sorbonne University. The ECCOMAS MSF 2023 will be held from June 25-27, 2023 in Sarajevo. The Conference seeks to provide a platform for learning from some of the worlds’ leading specialists in numerical methods, coming from different engineering disciplines and applied mathematics.

The main idea of this thematic conference is to examine recent advances from mechanics and applied mathematics in a currently very active research domain of multi-scale modelling and computations in solid and fluid mechanics. The latter involves methods which bridge phenomena taking place at multiple scales in space and time and which ought to be placed interaction or accounted for simultaneously in order to provide the most reliable explanations. This class of problems calls for the development and combination of different analytical tools (homogenization, asymptotic analysis) and computational methods (parallel computing, stochastic analysis) in order to advance the field towards currently relevant nonlinear applications.

A number of different schools have developed in various domains of fluids and solids, both in mathematics and mechanics, with sometimes very little or no interaction between them. It is an explicit goal of this thematic conference, in the true spirit of ECCOMAS, to bring these different communities together, and thus provide a sound basis for a fruitful exchange of ideas among them.

The conference seeks also to provide a platform for learning from some of the worlds’ leading specialists in the analysis and design of complex engineering structures and systems, coming from aerospace, civil and mechanical engineering, material science, and in the design and analysis of numerical algorithms from applied mathematics. The main goal is elaborating the multi-field and multi-physics approach, which has significantly modified previously firm frontiers among these traditional engineering disciplines.

More information can be found in leaflet here: ECCOMAS MSF 2023 leaflet, while templates can be downloaded here: conference-templates.