ECCOMAS MSF 2023 registration package, with early registration before March 15, 2023 (cost 450 Euros), includes: the proceedings of keynote and selected lectures and abstracts of other participants, admission to complete scientific program, welcome reception, lunches, coffee breaks and a guided tour of the old city of Sarajevo.
Late registration fees (made after March 15, 2023, cost 450+100=550 Euros). The late registration fees will
guarantee the place in the ECCOMAS MSF 2023 Final Program. For any later arrival, the presentation place is not guaranteed.
The potential participants are asked to register by filling in the registration form (Registration-form-ECCOMAS-MSF-2023) and pay the fees according to the calendar. Invoices for payment of the registration fees will be sent to the author after the on-line registration has been conducted.
You can download templates for abstract and paper here: conference-templates.
All abstracts/papers submissions should be done through EasyChair website: Abstracts and papers submission.(
Preliminary program can be viewed here: ECCOMAS-MSF-2023 Conference Preliminary Program.