Authors are invited to submit an abstract of 2 to 4 pages by using the template file on conference website by November 30, 2022, containing the title of the proposed paper, the full address (including E-mail) and the name of the corresponding author. The authors should indicate to which main conference topic their paper should be related.

Conference abstract templates can be downloaded here

All abstracts/papers submissions should be done through EasyChair website: Abstracts and papers submission (


31 August 2022. Website opens for abstracts submission

30 November 2022. Deadline for abstracts submission

31 December 2022. Confirmation of abstract acceptance

15 March 2023. Penalty for late registration payment

31 March 2023. Acceptance for full paper submission

21-23 June 2023. Pre-Conference Short Course

25-27 June 2023. ECOMASS Conference held at Faculty of Civil Engineering in Sarajevo