According to the preliminary program, the introductory keynote lectures of each day of this conference should set the contents and the boundaries as well as indicate the main issues concerning computational methods for multi-scale analysis in solid and fluid mechanics. A number of organized sessions (containing 4-6 papers) will be scheduled at the conference. You can download templates for abstract and paper here: conference-templates.

Preliminary program can be viewed here: ECCOMAS-MSF-2023 Conference Final Program.

Conference proceedings can be viewed here: ECCOMAS-MSF-2023 Conference Proceedings.

The Conference topics to be addressed are:

Heterogeneous materials

Masonry structures

Complex structures

Material and structure failures

Adaptive modeling

Mechanics of porous media

Fluid-structure interaction

Multi-phase flows


Wave propagation

Stochastic Processes

Uncertainty Propagation

Case Studies …

All accepted papers will be published in the form of extended abstract in a book of Proceedings along with the textbook containing the selected full-size contributed papers and keynote lectures. Special issue of scientific Journal of Coupled Systems Mechanics is also planned for publication of selected papers.